President’s Letter

Dear UVA Club of Washington, DC Members,

Thank you for your support of the UVA Club of Washington, DC! Membership plays a crucial role in providing programs and services that benefit the University, students and alumni. As a member, you are the first to know about social and networking events, cultural and educational programs, community service, athletic activity, and admission and new student outreach.

The UVA Club of Washington, DC is a non-profit organization made possible by and for alumni. Our UVA Club is very active, providing a range of programs and services for the alumni community. These included networking events, service projects, charity events, career fairs, happy hours, volunteering, and much more. We also held several major events in the past, such as Mr. Jefferson’s Capital Ball, a keystone fundraiser of the UVA Club of Washington, DC Scholarship Fund.

Members also receive great benefits, including:

  • Discounted prices to most ticketed events
  • Free drinks at most bar events
  • Priority registration for our most popular events
  • Members-only events including the annual members’ appreciation party, private tours, and invitations to special University addresses

To ensure that we can continue to provide activities and services to our alumni community, we need your renewed membership. Membership levels are listed as:

  • New grads (Class of 2017, 2016, 2015): $30
  • Individuals: $40
  • UVA families (households which include UVA parents, current students, alumni and spouses): $60

Your membership allows us to continue to provide quality social, service, educational, and cultural opportunities to all local UVa alumni. As we do not receive funds from the UVA Alumni Association, we truly appreciate your ongoing support and value your participation and feedback.

Please go here and follow the steps to renew your membership.

Thank you for your continued commitment to the UVA Club of Washington, DC. If you have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact


Tamira Roberson
Interim President, UVaClub of Washington, DC